NTPC Family

23-12-2022 | read

NTPC Kawas had won the prestigious "CSR Award in Large Enterprises category- Powerplant Sector " at the 10th Global Safety Summit Awards event organized by Fire and Safety Forum and United Nations Global Compact Network India (SDGs Outreach Partner) on 23 December 2022, at Le Meridien Hotel New Delhi. (The award was distributed by the chief guest Mr. Ratnesh, Executive Director at UN Global Compact Network India). The station got this award for its commitment in ensuring environment social governance through host of impactful CSR initiatives in the financial year 21-22.

On behalf of NTPC Kawas, the prestigious award was received by Me. Sujita Rath, AGM( HR), Kawas and Ms Shraddha Gupta, Executive ( CSR). A brief presentation on CSR activities undertaken by NTPC Kawas during the FY 2021-22 was made by Ms Shraddha Gupta, Executive( CSR) on the ocassion which was well received by the delegates from the corporate world.